🗲 600 Eagleview Blvd, Exton, PA 19341  🗲  +1 610 524 9949

CBi Distributors

CBi has representation around the globe. Please contact us for other geographic regions.

Automation Systems Interconnect (ASI) PA

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Service Area: 
CBI Products
  • Circuit Breaker for Equipment (CBE)
  • Low Voltage Drives
  • Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
  • Motor Controls
  • Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)
Find us
Automation Sys. Intercon PA
4700 Westport Drive
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
United States
About us

Automation Systems Interconnect, ASI, is your one-stop online source for over 15,000 industrial electrical and electronic components, such as terminal blocks, power supplies, circuit breakers, relays, connectors and more. With over 20 years experience and thousands of customers, ASI consistently saves time and money when it comes to buying or specifying automation, control and power electrical components.

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Protect your assets

CBI manufactures over 25 million parts a month to precision tolerances.  Certifications and approvals for the EU, North America and Asia-Pacific are audited periodically by local and international standards authorities.